Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chapter 4: Moving Onward

Sebastian handed Worik an envelope and hurried him over to the window, "Theres a map and a note inside, I'll hold them off.... Just get there..." Sebastian said grimly. Worik not knowing what to do stood there frozen for a moment before Sebastian, who obviously didn't know what to do with the small boy by this point, pushed him gently out the window onto a fruit cart.

Worik's mind awakened upon landing in the fruit cart and he ran towards the entrance of town, screaming heard all around him. The entrance was blocked, Worik saw it before they saw him, ducking behind a building. "Now what, now what, now whaaat..." Worik said to himself quietly looking around. To his surprise there was a small hole in the wall surrounding the town in the very alley he had hid in. Not sure if it was safe or not, but not having the time to check, he made a break for it. Worik looked around, no sign of the bandits and thieves that were searching for him. He took this brief reprieve to look in the envelope Sebastian had given him, "Hmmm... well here's the map..." He said pulling it out. It was more simple than most maps, just perfect for someone who had never used one before.

He followed the map a short distance, finding himself in front of a shack. "What? This can't be right..." Worik said looking closely at the map again. "But... he did say to follow it..." He said walking to the front of the shack hoping it was more safe than it appeared. Worik opened the door slowly, there was a table a chair and one candle burning on the table. "H-Hello?" He said wondering who, if anyone, Sebastian had led him to. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" A woman wearing strange clothing stepped out of the shadows glaring at Worik. "I- Seb- let-" Worik was too scared to say anything. The woman, seeing this, calmed down a little.

 "So, what is it that your here for now?" She said sounding irritated. Worik handed her the envelope, "Sebastian sent me here... I don't know why..." She looked closely at the letter, reading every part. "So, it looks like your the first new recruit we've had in quite a while." The woman said smiling. "My name is Mira and I'll have to take you to the academy now." Worik looked very confused, "What do you mean? What about my family?" he said still unsure of their fate. "You can figure that out later, just come with me and after a time you can search for your truth..." Mira said looking a little more serious.

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